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"Dependable delivery of quality parts on every order we put in"
- Customer from St. Louis, MO

"We have great communication with Rhineharts, it's like dealing with someone in our own company"
- Customer from Butler, IN

"Anytime I have a question or concern, Rhinehart's customer service has a helpful tip to guide me. They always answer in a friendly and inviting manner that keeps me coming back to Rhinehart products time after time. I feel Rhinehart's staff is a part of my family. If you can't trust family, who can you trust?"
- A dedicated customer in Texas

"I've been a loyal Rhinehart customer for 20+ years. We love the Rhinehart De-Horners. They are built for long, hard use on De-Horning and Disbudding. I would recommend Rhinehart De-Horners to anyone looking to purchase a De-Horning iron. Thank you for such a wonderful product."
- A happy customer in Georgia

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Update Notice for X-50 Dehorner Users


 We have recieved questions about the operation of this dehorner in reference to the "D" and "S" levers on this model.

For heat control operation: Set the lever to the "D" position for the Dehorning operations.  Set the lever to the "S" position for Soldering operations.

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